
The costone capital donated 2 million yuan worth of epidemic prevention materials



  • 迈瑞医疗现已连续几批将急需的呼吸机、监护仪、输注泵、麻醉机、除颤仪、便携超声及检验设备等医疗战略设备送到抗疫一线,并安排200多名工程师在武汉医院全面巡查设备。迈瑞全国各分公司紧急成立覆盖生产、售后、技术支持、临床培训团队的应急小组,提供24小时不间断服务,确保已安装设备的正常运转。

  • 长风药业接军科院紧急求援,正在罐装一批军科院指定药物,支持全国抗击新型肺炎。

  • 普瑞眼科武汉医院积极配合武汉市政府及卫健委的车辆调度工作,派出车辆及司机到抗疫一线帮助转运近百位确诊肺炎患者。同时,多位员工自愿到抗疫定点医疗机构支援。

  • 健康160开通了义诊服务,30万注册平台医生为患者开展新型肺炎免费义诊咨询,普及防疫知识,提供专业防治意见。

  • 嘉环科技前往一线开展火神山医院附近的5G网络通信建设工作,保障当地的3G/4G/5G无线通信网络覆盖,以满足智慧医疗的远程指挥,实现5G赋能医疗,科技抗击肺炎。

  • 回天新材向武汉、襄阳定向捐赠100万元。

  • 星环科技向武汉捐赠医用物资,第一批50000双医用无菌橡胶手套,800瓶医用免洗手消毒凝胶已在路上。



The year 2019 marks the fortieth anniversary of China’s Reform &Opening-Up, once again, we meet at the turning point of history. What’s the next step for the game, is there any clear guidance? The answer is affirmative.

Our country is enjoying a good momentum of development, which does not come from the Washington Consensus nor the Beijing Consensus. China’s experience has proved that both the visible hand and the invisible hand are crucial: the visible hand, stands for the government-led reform, and would yield benefits for reform and opening up; the invisible hand, stands for the Marginal Power represented by the private sector, and would improve economic efficiency and tax collection, create jobs and employment opportunities.

Provided that we want to protect and expand the benefits form reform, three simple but mandatory agreements are to be made and followed: No.1 Private ownership must be recognized, protected and treated equally with public ownership constitutionally, both ownerships are scared and inviolable;No.2 Make further clarification of the principal position of market economy, “deepen economic system reform by centering on the decisive role of the market in allocating resources”, as President Xi addressed in the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee;No.3 Implement the guiding principles of “comprehensively promoting law-based governance” of the fourth plenum. The rule of law is essential for economic growth, irreplaceable to protect private ownership, and necessary to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.

Above are three rules for us to avoid falling into the Middle-income Trap. Assuming that we are breaking systematic barriers to private enterprises’ participation in market economy, and boosting innovation and entrepreneurship of our society, then we are heading towards a promoting direction. We are marching in the path of light, regardless of the ups and downs of Sino-US relationship, the drop in GDP growth rate, or the monetary policy.

These principals also apply on knowing how better to run a business: don’t be hedged by rules and regulations at the beginning, pay more attention to your survival, and you’ll learn more when you start your second business.

For many years, Huawei has been the only Chinese company on the list of the Top 50 R&D Spenders. Regardless of the economy and its income, what Huawei has been doing is investing in its future, dedicated to R&D, continuously and resolutely. This provisional work underscores Huawei’s accomplishments, making Huawei anindustry leader.

So, there are standard answers on how to run a company,which could be summarized as concentration and professional dedication, continuous investment on innovation and trying harder in R&D. Entrepreneurship is also important, every single company needs entrepreneurs to push aside all obstacles and difficulties, to implement strategies and ideas. We, as investors, are destined to look for such outstanding entrepreneurs and their companies, invest in them and partner with them.

At this key point of history, a country, a company, or asingle individual, will all need to find the right path. Four decades after the Reform and Opening-up, it’s time to learn from our experience and stop “wadding across


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